Last week, I got the sad news that the husband of a soul-friend of mine has been diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

From Megan and Steve:

He is currently in the early stages.  We were devastated to learn from the oncologist that there is no cure for this form of leukemia…we were further told that any treatment they do for him will only slow the disease and that eventually…the disease will build a resistance to all conventional treatment. Most physicians have the same opinion on this matter but we are not willing to stand by and wait and do nothing….”

Steve and Megan

Steve and Megan

Megan and I have known each other since high school. We used to take the bus to New Age shops in our hometown of Beaverton, OR. We even saw The Craft together one day after school, when it was first out in theaters. She was the first person I reached out to when I decided I wanted to explore Wicca. She’d already been on the path and was kind enough to share with me what she’d learned. Since then, we’ve had some extraordinary adventures. My first trip to Ireland about ten years ago was her first as well. We climbed into the Cave of the Cats, gazed over cliffs, sang in Trad sessions, all of it. 🙂  She has many a cameo in Brigid. We’ve lived far apart for most of our friendship, yet we always manage to pick right up where we left off. She is most certainly what one would call a soul-friend and I wish I could hug her right now.

She and Steve were just married on April Fool’s Day and I’m just heartbroken that they are going through this. Not only are they wonderful people, they are also a great, supportive presence in their Pagan community in Texas.

Whenever these things happen, we always want to ask, “What can we do?” In this case, the method is clear. Megan and Steve have started a GoFundMe campaign:

There have been many many patients with CLL that have survived many years after diagnosis, without treatment and most of them have one thing in common. Alternative therapies, nutrition, herbalism, naturopathy, etc. These therapies have been successful at keeping many peoples CLL in check for as many as 15 years. Our plan is to seek out the best of these therapies while maintaining conventional monitoring and when and if the time comes, we will begin progressive conventional treatment with the right oncologist. Our plan is to seek out the best of these therapies while maintaining conventional monitoring and when and  if the time comes, we will begin progressive conventional treatment with the right oncologist.                                       

If you’re looking for a way to make the world a better place today, please consider contributing to Megan and Steve’s campaign. Even a few dollars will help!  These two have consistently made the world a more beautiful place for others. Let’s help them get through this difficult time with a little more ease. 
