This is, without a doubt, the most low-key Reader’s Studio I’ve had since I started attending six years ago! It’s not because the content isn’t engaging for me, but it’s been far more contemplative. Normally, I’m making plenty of noise at the bar and busting heels on the dance floor after the banquet. This year, I’ve been drawn to early bedtimes and wake-times, feeling a pull to write about what I’ve experienced rather than talk about it over wine or IPod music. (Maybe it’s because my normal roomie Hilary wasn’t able to join me this year….*sadface*….)
Yesterday afternoon, after my last blog post, Barbara Moore took the main stage to talk about creating space to do better readings. I’m someone who fights self-care with the same passion as I fight to clean the cats’ litter box. I don’t know why. Self-care feels good. Having a clean litter box makes the house feel good. Why don’t I run to do both? I don’t know. I just don’t.
“Our gifts are being held hostage by our trauma and our wounds,” Barbara said at the opening of her talk.
How can we get around that? If, as Barbara mentioned, we can’t physically work in a cluttered space, how can we spiritually work in a cluttered space? Reading Tarot for others can be heavy work. We have no room to do it if our souls are clogged with our own stuff. Even reading our own Tarot can be complicated if we don’t do our own clearings, first.
I regret that I didn’t take pictures of the reading The Tarot Broad did for me on this topic! But the message went something like this:
“Once the story has been reframed, we won’t need to take ‘metaphorical meds’ anymore. We will heal ourselves.”
The work was intense. Two of our table mates morphed from bawdy laughter into cathartic tears and hit the bar during our fifteen minute break. Such is the way of Tarot, sometimes. There’s a reason I keep a Kleenex box nearby when reading for clients in-person!
Every year, I gain so much from Readers Studio, but each year leading up to it, I underestimate how much it will actually do for me. This year, it fell on the same weekend as my Coven’s annual trip to Cornwall-on-Hudson for Brid’s Closet Beltaine. This year, my friends and teachers Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone would even be teaching. I had to make a tough decision and I chose Reader’s Studio. I chose it for biznizzy reasons. (There’s a new book to promote!) While I really miss not being able to run around a vineyard and drink mead from a horn, I have done some very important personal work. Maybe the stars aligned to get me to sit my butt down and do some Shadow work via the Tarot. The stars are tricky that way.
But also, I love that I got to be here and see these wonderful people!
I can’t say this enough: if you love Tarot, put the Readers Studio on your bucket list–at the top. It’s not a program geared toward the newbie or the experienced. Somehow, it manages to have something for all of us. I will have been reading Tarot for twenty years come this summer, and I still have my doors blown open and mind filled with new, delicious things every time. I’m already penciling in the dates for next year….
Awwww, I missed y’all too! Beltane was amazing, and the class I taught rocked! We will have to swap stories and lessons so that we get the best of both worlds…