Thursday Tarot Tutorial: “Why Are People Acting This Way???”

Thursday Tarot Tutorial: “Why Are People Acting This Way???”

P.s., As you may have noticed, I’ve changed the title of my Thursday articles! You all were right—these were more than just “tips.” We go deep around here, so the Thursday articles are now the Thursday Tarot Tutorials. Thanks, all! “I don’t know what happened!” said...
Healing The World As An Overwhelmed Witch

Healing The World As An Overwhelmed Witch

“I want to heal the world…but I don’t have time for the Magick I want to make!” Sound familiar? Let’s be honest… There has never been time to do anything…and there never will be! Now, we may be trying to cook, clean, commute, or do an office job from home. In...
Thursday Tarot Tips: Grounding Yourself In The Storm

Thursday Tarot Tips: Grounding Yourself In The Storm

If the world is feeling wild right now, this week’s Tarot exercise will help you stay calm and grounded in these wacky times… Folx said my previous post When World Events Impact Relationshipsspoke to them and I could not be happier to hear it! This week’s Thursday...
Grounding The Self In Relationship To Others

Grounding The Self In Relationship To Others

Golly. It’s been an alarming few days…now what? When frightening things happen in the world, we often feel tiny and powerless—like the little tiny boats on a moody North Sea (Remember when TikTok made the North Sea super famous???). But even if we feel like...
As Above, So Below: When World Events Impact Relationships

As Above, So Below: When World Events Impact Relationships

I watch this happen regularly… The baby wakes. She is MAD mad. This kid does NOT like her nap being interrupted (who can blame her?). Now, the dog is freaked out. He doesn’t know what to do, so he decides to bully the cat, chasing the poor old feline into a corner. Of...
New Moon In Cancer: Grounded Home, Grounded Life

New Moon In Cancer: Grounded Home, Grounded Life

This is a free preview of a new offering I’m sharing with paid Substack and Cauldron Calling Members for New and Full Moons. Enjoy this one with my compliments! If you enjoyed it and would like to see more, consider joining The Cauldron Calling as a paid member,...
Thursday Tarot Tips: The Grounding Card

Thursday Tarot Tips: The Grounding Card

These are wild times and so many of us ARE FEELING IT. Navigating chaos requires stillness and calm—being the eye in the center of the storm rather than the things that are tossed around by its winds! Before we can respond to a situation in a strong, intentional way,...
What’s In Your Shadow?

What’s In Your Shadow?

I started writing this post about Shadow “Work” before I took the “Work” part out of it. We Witches talk a lot about Shadow Work. But by calling it Shadow Work, are we implying that Shadow Work is something that must be fixed? In nature, shadows aren’t a problem....
Thursday Tarot Tips: Divining The Solstice

Thursday Tarot Tips: Divining The Solstice

What can you expect in the dark part of the year? This week, I’ve got yet another original Tarot exercise designed for you to see what’s coming up in the Shadow part of the year. But first…super fun Tarot event on Sunday. (Virtual!) You’re invited! Diana Rajchel...
Shadow Work: 3 Things To Know

Shadow Work: 3 Things To Know

It’s the brightest time of year, friends! But with that bright light also comes long shadows. In fact, those of us in the Northern Hemisphere are about to enter the dark time of the year. Starting this week, the days will slowly grow shorter and the nights longer....