The Busy Witch: “Am I Practicing Enough?”

The Busy Witch: “Am I Practicing Enough?”

Hey! Before you dive in, I wanted to let you know about three Magickal things you MUST add to your calendar, ASAP. <3 On-line event Sept 14 and 15. I’m teaching “The Grief Spiral” this weekend at The Ninefold Festival. This is open to all people who identify as...
Thursday Tarot Tutorials: The Root Of The “Problem”

Thursday Tarot Tutorials: The Root Of The “Problem”

‘Tis the season for thinking about roots! Root vegetables, ancestral roots, dying your roots in preparation for Halloween balls and Pagan Pride Festivals (or maybe that’s just me!). In thinking about roots at this time of year, this week’s Tarot Tutorial Explores the...
Thursday Tarot Tutorial: How’s My House?

Thursday Tarot Tutorial: How’s My House?

We’re on the brink of autumn (and the Witches shout HOORAY!). No matter what kind of home we may live in (mobile, stationary, or otherwise), there are preparations to be made for winter: taking in the air conditioners, covering ground vents, bringing in the last of...
Closure Magick:

Closure Magick:

Creating Closure at Summer’s End… Summer’s end is particularly good for ending things. There’s something about the end of summer/the beginning of fall that sparks renewal. It’s tied to the idea of starting a new school year (whether we’re in school or not)...
Thursday Tarot Tutorial: Prepare For The Virgin

Thursday Tarot Tutorial: Prepare For The Virgin

aka…It’s Virgo Season! What does this sign have in store for you? All right, y’all. We made it. It’s Virgo season. Virgo is one of my very favorite seasons, and not just because we’re steadily heading toward pumpkin EVERYTHING. While I’m not a fan of...
Does your spell need a boost?

Does your spell need a boost?

Witches know there is a lot to learn from the natural, ever-changing world. We’re quickly moving toward autumn and my neighbor’s apple tree is showing it (they let me have all the fruit I want!). Even though the apples are getting fatter by the day, they’re not ripe...
Thursday Tarot Tutorial: Is It Over?

Thursday Tarot Tutorial: Is It Over?

When does a card predict an ending? A gift of MercRx: wrapping things up. A lot of people focus on the travel interruptions, miscommunications, and technical catastrophes commonly associated with Merc Ret. But Merc Ret also provides the opportunity to finish things...
When Retrograde Gets Personal

When Retrograde Gets Personal

Being prepared…and present… This Mercury in Retrograde is waltzing through Leo, which means a ripe time for miscommunication and bruised egos…the perfect ingredients for conflict gone awry! Conflict is a good thing. (Yes, I said *good.* And I meant it!)...
Thursday Tarot Tutorial: Preparing The Spirit

Thursday Tarot Tutorial: Preparing The Spirit

Early August=PRIME Magick. For many of us, August 1st means hot and sticky nights, squeezing in a little more beach time before summer over, clandestinely (or not) sneaking early-Halloween decorations into our carts, and maybe even fantasizing about a cool and crisp...
Thursday Tarot Tutorial: “Why Are People Acting This Way???”

Thursday Tarot Tutorial: “Why Are People Acting This Way???”

P.s., As you may have noticed, I’ve changed the title of my Thursday articles! You all were right—these were more than just “tips.” We go deep around here, so the Thursday articles are now the Thursday Tarot Tutorials. Thanks, all! “I don’t know what happened!” said...