It’s the brightest time of year, friends!

But with that bright light also comes long shadows.

In fact, those of us in the Northern Hemisphere are about to enter the dark time of the year. Starting this week, the days will slowly grow shorter and the nights longer.

It’s time for Shadow work.

What in the world does “Shadow Work” even mean???

Shadow work: A term that gets tossed around frequently in Witchcraft circles, e.g., “Maybe it’s time for some Shadow work.” “Someone needs to process some Shadow work.” “Let’s dig into some Shadow work.”

There is no objective definition of Shadow Work. The idea is subjective, but there are a few common agreements in the Witchcraft world:

Shadow work is NOT:

  • A list of personal things to “fix”
  • Things that you are “supposed to let go of.”
  • One’s past trauma dredged to the surface and used to define one’s character.

Shadow work is not a problem to solve.

Shadow work can be:

  • Embracing elements of self you’ve been taught to be ashamed of
  • Exploring parts of self you fear
  • Healing a long-ignored emotional or spiritual injury

Quick note! Check out this gorgeous review of my new book Sacred Tears: A Witch’s Guide To Grief. Thank you so much, Witchorium!!!

Once more for old time’s sake:
Shadow work is not a problem to solve.

It’s not possible to explore or unpack all of one’s shadow self in one season…let alone a lifetime! But if you would like to use this time of year to explore some Shadow work, consider beginning by exploring these questions:

  • What does Shadow work mean to you?
  • What would you like to accomplish through your Shadow work?
  • What do you envision your life looking like in six months, by Winter Solstice, and how would Shadow work help that?

If you’re interested in going deeper with this work, consider joining any paid level of The Cauldron Calling – My virtual platform for Magickally Minded people looking to deepen or reconnect with their personal Witchcraft practice. Not only will you receive regular, exclusive Magickal content, but you’ll have access to twice-monthly live gatherings to connect with other Witches and have your Magickal questions answered. (You can even get a Tarot subscription!) Hope to see you there. <3