If the world is feeling wild right now, this week’s Tarot exercise will help you stay calm and grounded in these wacky times…
Folx said my previous post When World Events Impact Relationshipsspoke to them and I could not be happier to hear it!
This week’s Thursday Tarot Tips take the process even further, using the Tarot to ground yourself and find your place within the storms happening out there.
If you read Monday’s post Grounding The Self In Relationship to others, then this post will make even MORE sense. <3 )
A seven card reading:

1.) State of world events/external circumstances
2.) How the state of things affect you, now
3.) How they affect those closest to you (family, closest friends)
4.) How they affect your acquaintances, coworkers, etc.
5.) How they affect your immediate community (town, school, etc.)
6.) An action you can take to stay calm and grounded in yourself
7.) What actions you can take to help those in your immediate circle and community
The Reading-in-Action is below. But first….
If you haven’t seen it, yet…
Last month, I was a guest blogger on Llewellyn.com! My post, “How A Witch Can Help A Grieving Person (And How They Should NOT)” is available at this link. Take a look and let me know what you think!
Back to the reading….
Here it is in action:

Let’s call our querrent “Jane”…
1.) State of world events/external circumstances: 9 of Swords, Rev.
When upright, the 9 of Swords indicates sorrow and grief. In reverse, it can mean shock, denial, or ignoring a painful situation. It’s likely that Jane’s world is being rocked by a shocking situation or series of events.
2.) How the state of things affect you, now: 3 of Wands
3 of Wands indicates watching and waiting, essentially waiting for a ship to come into port. In this context, where there is shock, it’s possible that Jane is on her guard. “Will the bad things come to MY port?”
3.) How they affect those closest to you (family, closest friends): Temperance, Rev.
Upright, Temperance indicates patience and balance. In reverse, it indicates impatience and imbalance. It’s likely that things are very tense in Jane’s home and among their friends!
4.) How they affect your acquaintances, coworkers, etc.: Knight of Cups, Rev.
When upright, the Knight of Cups is a kind character, led by the heart. When in reverse, he can be cold, even unkind. It’s possible that the people in Jane’s outer circle are also getting snappy and a little mean because of recent events.
5.) How they affect your immediate community (town, school, etc.): The Lovers, Rev.
This is even more intense than the Knight of Cups, Rev! Upright, the Lovers is a card of open, emotional honesty and love. When Reversed, those qualities are hard to come by. Jane may find herself running into stressed, even mean, people when she’s out and about.
6.) An action you can take to stay calm and grounded in yourself: The High Priestess
The High Priestess is about spiritual practice and awareness. To help stay calm and grounded, Jane would be wise to lean into their personal spiritual practice, whether that’s meditation, spell-casting, or simply a walk through a place that they love. This may help Jane be more present, kind, and patient with the people she loves the most.
7.) What actions you can take to help those in your immediate circle and community: The Fool
The Fool is one of the best cards for personal interpretation. It can literally mean anything depending on the context. In this case, because the Fool’s arms are open and they are leaping into the void, there is a sense of “letting things go.” This reading may be telling Jane not to take things personally…so be careful not to lash back if someone in line at the grocery store is rude. It’s about them…not her!
Be good to yourself, Witch! You’ve got this. xoxo
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