This is a free preview of a new offering I’m sharing with paid Substack and Cauldron Calling Members for New and Full Moons. Enjoy this one with my compliments! If you enjoyed it and would like to see more, consider joining The Cauldron Calling as a paid member, where you will receive regular insight on deepening or reconnecting with your Magickal practice…and even get regular Tarot readings delivered directly to your inbox. 

By the time you read this, the New Moon may have moved from the emotional, intuitive sign of Cancer to the more gregarious sign of Leo, but the energies of this New Moon are still growing.

This weekend is ideal for:

  • Setting intentions for the home (e.g., creating more peace or play time, reducing debt or clutter, taking steps to finding a new home)
  • Floor washes or other Magickal work to remove negativity
  • Boost Magickal protection on the home
  • Attract prosperity to home

    But Magickal “home”work is more than simply spells on the house. The home is the grounding rod for a Witch’s Magickal work…and life! If the home is ungrounded, the other Magick won’t flourish, either.

    Preparatory Journal Prompt:

    Set a timer for seven minutes, for each of the following questions. Start the timer and free write to answer the following :
    1.) Describe the most peaceful aspect and/area of your home.
    2.) Describe the most chaotic or uncomfortable aspect/area of your home
    3.) Write in the voice of your home: If your home were a person, how would it describe you and the people in your home (if you live with others)? How would your home describe your actions, temperament, joy and stress?
    4.) Still in your home’s voice, write a letter from your home to you–what does it need from you, Magickally?

    Let these thoughts guide you in your steps this month toward a grounded Magickal self.

    Particularly when we may struggle to be grounded in ourselves, supporting the home naturally supports a grounded self.