Up here in the Northern Hemisphere, we get to welcome spring this week: Spring Equinox, Ostara, whatever you call it…the brighter days are finally here again. Things are growing and we’re certainly about to be treated to a million memes about “Planting intentions for Spring!” “Plant the seeds of manifestation!” “Plant what you want to see grow in the coming year!”

It’s a great thought. Shouldn’t it be easy???

But how many of us write down our intentions on a piece of paper, place it on the altar, only to find it dusty and neglected months later, far from ever “manifesting”? Or whisper what we’d like to see grow over a pack of flower seeds, scatter then on the ground, and if they even take root, can’t remember what we hoped to see flourish?

It’s so common. It’s a modern Witch’s rite of Spring passage.

Some of this is due to the demands of the modern world. My podcast just released an episode on Busy Witch Magick, tackling this very issue.

But there’s more to it.

It’s not just being busy. Our desired changes can’t change, Magickally or personally, if the metaphoric soil isn’t properly prepared.

Perhaps reflected in the growing environment around us. Spring often inspires a desire to start anew. But just as the healthiest seed can’t flourish if the soil isn’t properly prepared, our best-prepared spells won’t flourish if our own lives aren’t prepared for the changes they’ll bring.

Here is an exercise to consider doing before casting your Spring spells:

1.) Think of one thing that you want to flourish in your life, e.g., your financial situation? Finding or repairing a romantic relationship? Moving a living situation? Write it down, in as clear and concise language as possible, e.g., “Improve finances”; “Find/Fix Love”; “Move to a better house.”

2.) Imagine someone from the outside were looking at your situation. What is one thing they might say prevents that thing from flourishing? E.g., doing too much online “retail therapy,” focusing too much on past romantic disappointments, not putting enough time into looking for moving options. Do your best to imagine and to be very honest, but not critical or unkind, to yourself. If you struggle to think of what that might be, it may be helpful to pull a Tarot card for this.

3.) Write down three things that you can do to remove the obstacle. Again, imagine that these three pieces of advice comes from an outside party. If you’re stuck, consider pulling three Tarot cards—one to represent each option and see what the Tarot has to say.

4.) Of the three options, which one is the easiest for you to do right now? Don’t be hard on yourself if you are picking something super simple. Maybe it’s something like leaving the item in the online cart for one hour before purchasing. Maybe it’s committing to getting coffee in public once a week and talking to someone, rather than scrolling the dating app—again. Maybe it’s starting your morning affirmation that supports your intention. Whatever options you’ve presented yourself, choose the easiest one and start there.

Build your metaphoric soil preparation practice into your Spring spell.

Do the work before, during, and after the spell you cast. Then, set a date on your calendar for three months out. Take a look to see how things have changed for you. You might need to revisit the soil…or you may already be reaping the harvest!

If building a relationship with a Deity (The Morrigan, in particular) is part of your Spring Magick spell casting…

Join me and Lora O’Brien on March 30 for “The Morrigan: Myths and Misconceptions.”

A live, virtual conversation on The Morrigan: The enigmatic Irish goddess known for her roles in warfare, speaking truth to power, shapeshifting, and many, many other things…including many mysteries! Come in curious about this power, enigmatic Irish Goddess. Leave with solid information, and tools to deepen or strengthen your spiritual or Magickal practice.

🗓️ Date: Sat., March 30, 2024
⏰ Time: 10am PDT/1pm EDT/6pm GMT
📍Location: Virtual (Zoom)
💰Admission: $20
🎟️ Reserve your space

P.S., If you are a paid Cauldron Calling Member, you attend for free!

If you’ve been thinking about The Cauldron Calling, now might just be the time!

Either way, hope to see you on the 30th for an extraordinary discussion!