Round two is done!
When you write a book, you sweat and labor and cry and lose sleep over your manuscript–particularly in the last few days before it goes to your editor. You ask yourself What if they change their mind? What if they won’t give me the rest of the advance? What if THEY WANT THE FIRST PART OF THE ADVANCE BACK???? WHAT IF I’VE ALREADY SPENT IT ON OTHER PEOPLE’S BOOKS AND RENTAL CARS TO THE BEACH???????? WHAT IF THEY ACTUALLY PUBLISH THIS THING AND PEOPLE READ IT?????????????
Hopefully, you did an okay job and your editor sends you the check for the rest of the money and you stop worrying about your book. You did all you can do. You have some more free time and you’re not yet obsessively checking Amazon for new reviews on it. It’s like your baby weaned itself and went off to sleep-away camp for eight months. Your nights, days, and partner(s) are all yours again. YOU are yours again. Good job. You earned it.
Then, Round 2.
The editor sends you a copyedited version of your book. They took some things out that you loved. The left some things that now make you cringe. They marked it up pretty harshly…but YOUR mark-ups are going to be even worse. You haven’t seen this in eight months. Why in the WORLD would you try to get published such a piece of crazy? How dare you send this to your editor with such run-on sentences? Wasn’t it obvious that you could have been explained 10,000% times better?
You should never send out anything, again. You rip your work to shreds.
You spend the next two weeks holed up in your house like Howard Hughes, moving around each comma, crunching sentence structure, and painstakingly re-writing every thing that annoys you.
Then, you send it back. And wait for Round 3 when you do it all over again before the book goes out in the world.
That’s where I’ve been these past two weeks! Driving myself very slowly mad over Tarot for One. I promise my absence has been worth it. The book is really lovely and I think it will be very useful.
I’ve got some wonderful things happening here in NYC over the next week! Please join me!
If you are one of those people who “can’t read Tarot for themselves” or would like to learn new techniques to “self-read” even better, join me! This class will focus on you, your relationship with your deck, and help you find the patterns the Tarot has uniquely for messages for you. Join us for learning fundamental tools and techniques for your Tarot journey. Please bring a Tarot deck, if you have one. If you do not own one, they will be available for purchase!
I will also be offering Tarot readings!
JULY 12TH, 7:00-9:00 P.M.
The Major Arcana: Learn Tarot and Find Your Soul Story
Mind Body Soul Yoga Studio: 350 Fort Washington Avenue
$30 advance, $35 same day
Register at this link!
If you’re new to Tarot, this is the class for you. If you’re not new to Tarot but interested in exploring the soul of the Tarot, this is the class for you.
The Major Arcana is the soul-story of Tarot. It embodies the peaks, valleys, loves, losses and rebirths of the great heroic stories of humankind (including yours!). Join us for an evening of digging deeper into this extraordinary expression of Magick and Spirit.
Please bring a Tarot deck, if you have one. If you do not, decks will be available for purchase.
$30 pre-register. $35 same day!