A Practice For Reconnecting With Your Magick

If a Witch doesn’t cast spells…are they even a Witch?

Some would say yes.

Others, no.

The definition matters less than the bigger question: Why aren’t Witches casting more spells???

In many of my classes, excellent Witches claim they don’t do as much Magick or cast as many spells as perhaps they would like. Their reasons are varied, but here are the most common ones:

  • Fear of “backfiring.”
  • Fear that they “won’t work”
  • The effort involved
  • Concerns about appropriation
  • Not having proper time

Sound like you? If so, let’s explore…

If a spell backfires…
There is no official definition of spells “backfiring.” What does backfiring look like to you? Sometimes, spells remove things we think we want/need only to give us something new and better. Are we so afraid to let something go that we don’t want to take the chance for something new and better?

If a spell doesn’t work…
What’s wrong with that? If a spell didn’t work, does that mean we’re not a Witch? If a baker’s cake didn’t rise…does that mean they’re not a baker? Spells that don’t work give us the chance to explore what went wrong and try again, much in the same way that we learn more about cooking or baking when something didn’t work the first time.

The effort involved…
Why do spells need to be so effort-full? Spells don’t have to be complicated. If you’re finding the thought of doing Magick to be overwhelming, simply encourage yourself to take the first step, E.g., light the candle, pull the Tarot card, etc. You’ll probably find you’ll be more inspired to do even more.

Concerns about appropriation
Fair enough! Cultural appropriation is a real problem and a definite concern. However, it’s also nuanced. If you’re concerned that your spell might be appropriative of a different culture, can you ask someone from that source culture? If you are unable to, most Magickal workings done privately while giving honor to the source culture is fine. When in doubt, ask. When you can’t ask, offer thanks and when you get the chance to ask, do!

Not having proper time
This parlays with the effort question, but it leads to a deeper question. It’s possible that there is plenty of time (see how much time we all spend scrolling!). The bigger question may be what’s taking up your time. If your Magick practice is an indication of your spiritual life, what has taken that place? Work? Obligations? Other distractions e.g., scrolling? Sometimes the belief in a lack of time speaks to insecurities or fears. If we don’t have time to do the thing, we don’t risk “failing” at the thing. Does this sound familiar? If so, it may be time to explore further.

Does this work resonate with you? Looking for a practice For Reconnecting With Your Magick:

At the Cauldron Calling, I offer regular work and support for deepening or reconnecting with your Magickal practice after a time away. This includes exclusive content, a Discord server with the most supportive Magickally-minded people you’ll ever meet, live virtual gatherings, discounts on classes, and even a Tarot subscription service. If 2025 is the year you’re going to reconnect with your Magick, this is THE place to start. Can’t wait to see you there. 🙂