One of the big questions I’ve been getting about Brigid is why I pronounce her name “Bridge-Id”. Many have asked if it should be pronounced, “Brid,” “Breed,” “Brig-eed” or another variation. Which one is right?
Honestly, up until I wrote the book, I’ve pronounced it, “Breege,” as in “Breaze” but with a “g.” I don’t know if that’s right, but that’s what I knew! Through my book promotions, I’ve been calling her “Brigid” as it’s the most inclusive version that I know of, and since the book is meant to encompass as many aspects of her as possible, it made sense to me.
But which one is right? I think the better question is, “Which one feels right?” In Wales, they call her “Ffraid.” In the Loisaida, they call her “Brigida.” In England, she’s still very much Brigantia. The nuns who tend her perpetual flame in Kildaire call her Brigid…all so different but all so valid. Are any more valid than the others?
In ritual and Magick, I still call her Brid, pronouncing it Breege as I have for years. But when I speak publicly, I use the best-known version and call her Brigid. Of all the different versions, no one seems more accurate than the others. I think it comes down to you–what feels right to you when approaching the flame or the well?
I had the honor of being on Stirring the Cauldron with the lovely and talented Marla Brooks. We talked about the name thing–you can listen to it, here!
Tarot Pink for Cancer!
Tarot for a Good Cause!
The Tarot community has come together to create Tarot Pink For Cancer, a collaborative Tarot deck to support breast cancer research. Sixty renowned Tarot artists have come together to take on the challenge of funding breast cancer research. Under the sponsorship of WizardToo, the publisher of the Tarot eCards App, they have created a special collaborative Tarot deck to be used as a tool of inspiration, empowerment, and support in the wellness journey for those dealing with breast cancer. The project for this noteworthy cause is multi-faceted, including a full 78 card Tarot deck, a Tarot Pink app for iPad, iPhone, and Android, along with the ability to simply donate. The project is being funded through an online campaign.
Enjoy your Thursdays!!!
Interesting thoughts on Brigid! Thank you for posting the link to your chat, and thank you for helping us promote Tarot Pink For Cancer!
Thank YOU, Bonnie! Glad to help!
Thank you for reaching out to your readers with information about Tarot Pink for Cancer. The 60 artists are creating a fabulous collaborative deck in support of breast cancer research that will be a worthy deck to add to anyone’s Tarot collection.
It’s a wonderful endeavor! I can’t wait to see the finished product!