Looking for Witchcraft rituals or practices you can do in a tight space? Want some modern Witchcraft rituals, in a modern space? Here we go!

Quick reminder! My How To Read Tarot: A Virtual 101 Course is selling FAST. As of this morning, I have seven spots available. Course starts this weekend. Enroll now.

Further reading
Making Time For Magick When You Don’t Have Time For Magick

For many Witches, the word “ritual” evokes an idea of a large space, maybe even a whole room set aside, with ornate Magickal tools. The ritual itself is probably thought to take a long time with chanting, movement, evocation, with a long set-up process and even longer clean-up afterward.

But what if you live in a small apartment? What if your dorm room doesn’t allow candles and/or incense? What if you live with people who don’t support a Witchcraft practice…or even know about it? Maybe, like me, you have small children, large dogs, and senile cats that seize and destroy any/all things they put their hands on!

Spoiler alert: Rituals don’t need much (or any!) space at all!

Forget the special room. Forget even the altar! A ritual is an act, not a space.

Rituals Can Take Place:

  • In the bath or shower. Ritualize your bath—allowing the water to wash away negativity.
  • In your mind. Position yourself as though meditating and create a ritual in your mind.
  • In a notebook. Draw and/or write out the ritual as though it’s happening on paper. That counts!
  • In bed (especially if you have insomnia!). Whispering prayers and incantations while tossing and turning not only count as ritual, they may actually help you fall back to sleep if you’re struggling!

Most Importantly: Remember Your End Goal

The point of Magick is not the ritual. The point of ritual is to help your Magick. Remember to check in with yourself: What is your ultimate goal for the work? Increase prosperity in your home? Build deeper connection with your spirit allies? Banish negativity? Once you’ve identified that, challenge yourself to create Magick for that goal using what you have around you, in the space that is available to you. Don’t let space be a reason you don’t do Magick!

Having “no space” for ritual is not a problem…it’s a creative challenge! Embrace the challenge as part of your Magickal journey. Heck…enjoy it!

Witchcraft is a craft for a reason: It thrives on creativity.

Below you’ll find a simple daily ritual you can incorporate into your daily routine. But first, don’t forget to register for How To Read Tarot: A 101 Course. (Virtual! Recorded! Perfection!)

A Bath Ritual Perfect For Witches Without Space (Or Time!) For Ritual:

Want to check it out? Check out The Cauldron Calling: A Virtual Platform for the Magickally-Minded. Virtual gatherings, exclusive exercises that will blow your mind, and regular, personal Tarot guidance. It’s the place to deepen, reconnect with, or build a practice for living a Magickally-led life. Would love to see you there!