No, I’ve not been the best blogger….getting the book ready to come out in a few weeks along with a bunch of other things! I just can’t believe it!

New things and good things!

CoverIt’s the last few weeks for pre-ordering!!! Save a few dollars if you order before May 1. The book is available in both paperback and e-book on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Powell’s.





I have a whole host of speaking and teaching engagements over the next few months, up and down the East Coast and back in my hometown of Portland, OR. Come see me!

Here is my latest blog on “The Role of the Coven: Is it Your Chosen Family?” This could also be filed under, “What Courtney Wishes She Knew Back Then.”

Sad Things.
Just after Ostara, my fiance and I lost Velcro: our sweet little three-legged, snaggle-toothed, purr monster. He was 14 and suffered congestive heart failure in the middle of the night. We loved him very much and miss him terribly!
