Once upon a time, you had a fantastic Magickal practice.

You lit candles on a regular basis. Your offerings were frequent and changed regularly. You meditated on a regimented routine, cast spells with regular frequency, and knew the moon phase down to the minute!

And then, life happened.

You changed jobs. Moved homes. Broke up with a partner or met someone new. You had a baby or went back to school. You battled illness, physical and/or mental. One day, you realized your altar was dusty, you couldn’t remember the last time you meditated, and barely even remember the names of the Deities who once led your life.

What now? How can you restart the practice you once loved?

First of all, if you’re feeling guilt or shame over having dropped your practice, don’t. You are human and in this siloed, capitalist society, you are BUSY just trying to make it!

In Ancient Greece and many other similar cultures (and in some cultures today), dedicated clergy tended temples to specific Deities 24/7. They were paid by laity (non-clergy) to do the work for the Gods on their behalf because guess what? Working people were busy then, too!

Today, there are few working temples dedicated full-time to Pagan Deities, and even fewer fulltime Priests/Priestesses/Priestixes to honor them. Modern Witches and Pagans must not only tend their own altars and perform works for their Deities, they must do so while trying to hold down jobs, finish their education, tend to their families or all of the above!

You are NOT a bad practitioner because you fell out of your Magickal routine. You are a HUMAN practitioner.

But now that we’ve covered that, how do we get back into our practice?

Want a plan to help you get back on track? Do you love what you’re learning here, you’ve got to check out The Cauldron Calling: A Virtual Platform for the Magickally-Minded. Virtual gatherings, exclusive exercises that will blow your mind, and regular, personal Tarot guidance. It’s the place to deepen, reconnect with, or build a practice for living a Magickally-led life. Would love to see you there!