Quick announcement!!! Sacred Tears: A Witch’s Guide To Grief is out in the world, all! And Llewellyn Books is offering a 20% discount through the end of June. Use code TEARS 20 at check-out to save 20%.
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One of the challenges Witchy folx run into, especially in these BUSY BUSY times, is that the Moon, the Equinox, the Solstice or some other form of the holiday sneaks up on them.
They then might find themselves dusting off a half-burnt candle from a long-forgotten spell or chucking a few crystals in the windowsill. Or else they might forego the ritual all together because it feels like too much.
There is nothing wrong with doing the above or forgetting the ritual all together. But if you do want to do some Magick at the upcoming Solstice, here are some easy ways busy Witches can get it done:
1.) Reflect
During your walk or run, or when fixing your morning caffeine fix, think of what was happening in your life six months ago (just prior to the Winter Solstice). What has changed? What things seemed super important then that don’t seem that important, now? What might future you at the coming Winter Solstice say about the things you feel are important to you, now?
2.) Dream
What do you want your life to look like by Winter Solstice? While you’re in line at the grocery store or pretending to focus during the meeting, jot a few words into the notes app on your phone, describing what you want your life to look like in six months. Describe not as “I want my life to look like…” but instead “My life WILL look like xyz…”
3.) Plan
While you’re taking your shower or bath, think about what in your life needs to change to make that Winter Solstice goal a reality. Keep it legal and within the laws of physics aka, don’t say, “More than 24 hours within a day!” or “Someone’s bank account to spill into mine and me get away with it!” But rather, what habits can you change? What fears might you want to address? What help might you want to ask for?
4.) Make Magick
Looking at your reflections and desires, start formulating an intention for your Magick at the Summer Solstice. You don’t need to plan the ritual or spell. Even just formulating the intention starts the Magick. Make it specific, and connect it to the Magick of the longest day and the growing Shadow. E.g.,
- “As the light grows, let it illuminate my biggest, currently unseen obstacle.”
- “As the Shadows lengthen, let me address one big fear holding me back.”
- Create an accountability ritual to help you set one thing in motion over the next two weeks that will help your Winter Solstice picture a reality e.g., a morning ritual to fortify your resolve to apply for a new job every day; a meditative playlist to put on when you’re decluttering the closet, etc.
You could write this on a post-it and stick it to your computer. You could also download a picture that reminds you of the intention and make it your phone wallpaper for the next too weeks. You could even spell it out in refrigerator magnets.
Whatever you do, keep the intention visible. And let the idea for your specific Summer Solstice Magick to come to you gently.