TSLogo_Blue_smallHoly crap!

I’m back at Reader’s Studio after taking a year off to attend to real-life things like moving, new co-habitation, and cats with vet bills. I missed the wealth of Reader’s Studio. It’s like this candy-land of talent, with all these Magickal pockets of brilliance wherever you go. The nondescript person next to you turns out to be a famous Tarotista you’ve only read about but never met. The quiet new person with the fabulous outfit turns out to be a new author whose deck you’ve read about and heard about in the ladies’ room. A selfishly exciting part is when others discover the same about me—that they’d heard of Tarot of the Boroughs before we even met!


For the first time since I was six years old, I am without a journal. I finished one last week and thought I’d pick one up when I got here…only to discover that the vendors sold out their stock to other last-minute shoppers who got there first.

Fortunately, Rachel Paul of Dark Carnival Tarot made me a journal just for the weekend. Halfway through the first day and I’ve already filled it.


Reader’s Studio activities start with a foundational reading, which will stick with us through the weekend. Donnaleigh De La Rose read for me and as per usual, her work was spot-on.


If it’s not obvious, I have lots of work to do. But what was most surprising was what work the Tarot thinks I have to do. Less focus on me, more focus on the bigger world, which is the far-flung opposite of the readings I had this fall which were all, “LET THE WORLD SAVE ITSELF, WEBER. WRITE YOUR BOOK.” Now the cards are like, “Yeah, okay…it’s about time to come out from behind the laptop. The world could use some saving.” (Thank you, Donnaleigh!)

Tarot of the Boroughs returns to Reader’s Studio

This deck got its big launch at this conference, and it always ends up being a super-popular item in the vending room. No better place to pick up a NYC Tarot deck as a souvenir…than at a NYC Tarot conference. Thanks to Tarot Garden for carrying our Oracle-Baby!


Mary Greer led a fantastic workshop on the neuroscience of Tarot, leading us to delve into the mystery of the chemicals within fired neurons, leading to that “spidey-sense” of intuition. Maybe all of this card-flipping mystique is easily explained by a mathematical calculation of the brain. Maybe Spirits are really giving me the information….or maybe my unconscious is recording and decoding images and impulses while I sit with a client. Either way, it is no less miraculous in my mind. Mary even pointed out that amongst scientists and physicians, there is still room for the Mystery. I think there always will be, no matter how much we discover.

And then, Sasha Graham gave me this Spirit Penguin…


And I got this free prezzie:


Quotes of the day:

“When we Divine, we step out of time.” Caitlín Matthews

“ Every person who has come to see me (for a reading).” Sheilaa Hite on who has inspired her most in her Tarot career.

“But I’m a hipster douchebag!” Hilary Parry, on blogging in new headphones.
