This is a hodge-podge of an entry–full of self-promotion, love for friends, and more cool things that I found. I hope you find at least some of it interesting!
Hermit Revelations=Tarot reader mind blown!!!!
Just yesterday I was digging into The Hermit card for my new book. I think I was getting a little too caught up in my own movie references–thinking of Yoda, the wise little creature living alone in the hut, imparting wisdom on the young Seeker (Luke Skywalker). I’ve also mentioned the Hermit as the occasional kind and benevolent cab driver who might grace the passenger (me) with philosophy from his spiritual tradition. Very quaint Hermits, I’ll say.
But today, I read THIS.
The story talks about Christopher Knight, “The Last Real Hermit” who lived in the woods of Maine for 29 years, alone, and only ran into one person during all of that time. He refers to Thoreau as a “dilettante” because “True hermits do not write books, do not have friends, do not answer questions.”
The Hermit’s wisdom, the interviewer learned, was one that Christopher Knight was not about to share. His wisdom was private, for him alone. Like the true Hermit that he is, he had no interest in connecting deeper with the interviewer. What he had learned from his life was for him, alone.
Lots of fodder for me to think about when looking even deeper at this strange card….
A few pictures from my trip to New Hampshire
For Summer Solstice, I had the honor and pleasure of teaching at the Temple of Witchcraft in Salem, New Hampshire. Years ago, I “woke up” to Witchcraft when I was working summer-stock theater in Peterborough, NH. I hadn’t been back to the beautiful state since then and it was a true joy to come back with my first book in tow. A very special thank you to Christopher Penczak, Steve Kenson, and Adam Sartwell for hosting me and promoting my opportunity to share my work with your community.
The Temple hosted a gorgeous Litha ritual that evening with the biggest cauldron I’ve ever seen. I took some pictures, but I’m so sad that I didn’t get any of my with the gentlemen!

Community altar–candles provided and lit by participants. The Brigid class I taught charged some of the water that ended up in the cauldron.
Thank you again, Witches of New Hampshire and the Temple of Witchcraft!
Another review!
“(Weber) does not merely parrot dry academic tones but weaves in her own spiritual experiences that is sure to fascinate readers, even if they are not Pagan themselves. Whether you are a Pagan devoted to Brigid or simply someone who enjoys reading about mythology, Brigid: History, Mystery, and Magick of the Celtic Goddess will leave you with a new appreciation for Ireland’s most popular deity.”
Full review at this link.
And, another picture!
This is me with Queen Mother Imakhu, Kemetic Priestess and long-time, dear friend and mentor to me. She was instrumental in helping me trace Brigid’s African roots. I was unfortunately, due to space constraints, unable to share that portion. There’s always another book, right?
If you’re in NYC this weekend….
I’ll be at Witchsfest on Saturday, July 11th, on Astor Place from 11:00-4:00. I’ll be teaching from my book and will have copies for sale. It’s going to be a wonderful time (Christopher Penczak is coming down, too!), plus it’ll be my birthday!