Does it already seem like 2016 is a mix of extremes? So many wonderful things are happening to friends and colleagues yet a lot of truly tough things (to put it mildly) are making their rounds as well. Hello….Flint water crisis, for one???
Today I wanted to mention something serious that happened in the American spiritual community, but also a couple of fun/exciting things happening as well:
Something fun…
Sending out love and congratulations to Grey who won the give-away copy of “Brigid” this week! Grey also posted a link to her blog: Brighid and the Sacred Milk, discussing the beauty and joy of breastfeeding her children. She includes a picture of a beautiful Bridey doll she made. Love it!
Something serious…

Priestess Miriam–Photo from GoFundMe page.
On Imbolc, the New Orleans Voodoo Spiritual Temple suffered a devastating fire. According to their website, the cultural center was destroyed but thankfully, the Temple remains although a number of priceless artifacts were irrevocably damaged. I visited this wonderful place several years ago when I visited New Orleans. Priestess Miriam is a true voice of the Divine, but is unable to occupy this special place at the moment.
Please help if you can, and definitely share this link. Even one dollar makes a difference.
Something exciting…
My friend and fellow Tarot reader Shavonne Readus, also known as V. of Red Light Readings is featured on on The Tarot Lady’s “Talking Tarot” this week! I had so much fun with V at the last Reader’s Studio and was delighted to read about her and her work. Check her out!

V of Red Light Readings–photo from her site:
Something ELSE Exciting…
(I actually forgot to add this and am editing after publishing….)
Husband and I were kindly added to Antonia Blumberg’s article in the Huffington Post about Pagan Handfasting ceremonies! Thank you, Antonia!