Balance in a Wine Box? (Happy Mabon!)

Balance in a Wine Box? (Happy Mabon!)

Blessed Mabon to all of you Kittenz in the Northern Hemisphere! Happy Spring to all of you down South! If you’ve stumbled onto this page and don’t know what I’m talking about, Mabon is a holiday celebrated by many Pagans honoring the beginning of...
Ostara with little ones, plus Ancient Tarot in NYC!

Ostara with little ones, plus Ancient Tarot in NYC!

It was an exciting Easter-Ostara weekend for me. I have a new blog up at Huffington Post about my relationship to both the Pagan Ostara and the Christian Easter in: “A Witch Looks at Easter.”  It was inspired by a hilarious interview I did on a British...
“When given the choice, choose kindness”

“When given the choice, choose kindness”

When given the choice between cruelty or kindness, choose kindness. Also, there’s always a choice.  That was one of the main messages I received on my last trance journey experience. I was frustrated with a number of people–the main person being myself....
Suggested Brigid Ritual for Springtime

Suggested Brigid Ritual for Springtime

If you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, Ostara is upon us! For those of you in the South, Blessed Mabon! I wrote the following blog on the Weiser Books blog about how you can work with Brigid in a Springtime ritual.  For our Southern friends, I also wrote this...
Spring is trying to fake me out. It’s NOT GOING TO WORK!

Spring is trying to fake me out. It’s NOT GOING TO WORK!

NYC drugstores mock us all around…or so it seems. Bunnies, shiny green grass, fake flowers on every aisle. Meanwhile, my boots are crumbling from yet more salt as the snows and cold just refuse to leave. I’m still waiting for the annual Bambi  moment that...