I’ve written recently about how helpful reversals can be, but I know as well as anyone that they can be an enormous pain in the ass. This week, I had a client who came to me concerned about rumors of lay-offs at his job.

The cards seemed to offer mixed advice. At first, they seemed to suggest that he would be on the chopping list when the lay-offs took place:

Yep. He was on the "bye" list.

Yep. He was on the “bye” list.

But the next card was The Wheel, Reversed. I’ve usually seen The Wheel to indicate movement–to a new home, a new relationship or phase in a relationship, or in this case, a new job. But in reverse, this indicated him not leaving the company, even though the cards strongly suggested he would be laid off:

The Wheel, Reversed.

The Wheel, Reversed.

Short of camping in front of his work and refusing to leave unless they rehired him (and he didn’t seem like the type), this was an odd reading. I pulled a clarifying card:

4 of Cups: The Clarifying Card

4 of Cups: The Clarifying Card

I mentioned that they were going to offer him something–another job, a good severance package, or possibly rehire him when the time was right. Then he mentioned that a different position had opened up he was thinking of pursuing. The next card, in reference to that question was the 8 of Wands:


The 8 of Wands is a card that says “Go for it!” There was something to be gained by giving it a shot. While the job wasn’t exactly what he wanted to do longterm, it certainly seemed a better option to unemployment.

The reading was two days ago. Last night, he emailed me to say that he’d applied for the other position. When he did, his manager said, “I’m so glad you applied for this, as I would have had to eliminate your position in a month.”

The Wheel Reversed was a true gift to the reading. Had it been upright, it might have encouraged him to start looking at other companies. But while the 10 of Swords suggested a doomy scenario, the reading wanted him to stay put. He had better opportunities where he was.

Just one more way in which Reversals can be your best Tarot friends!


I’m teaching several classes in June, in NYC, New Jersey, and Portland, OR! 

June 5th, 12-3 p.m.: Soul Journey in Butler, NJ, Tarot for One: The Art of Reading For Yourself. Exercises and practices based on my new book, which you can pre-order on the day! Click here for more information and to register. 

June 7th, 7-9 p.m: Mind Body Soul Yoga Studio in NYC, Intro to Tarot. Whether you’re new to Tarot or just looking for ways to brush up your skills, join us for a great evening of cards and learning. Email me to register.

June 25th, 2-5 p.m.: If The Broom Fits, Portland, OR: Meet the Goddess Brigid plus Summer Solstice Ritual. Join us for a special afternoon discussing the beauty and mystery of Brigid, plus celebrating the Magick of Midsummer! I will have copies of Brigid for sale. Please see the Facebook invite or my events page for more information.