Part 1: The Knight of Swords
Part 2: The Knight of Wands
Welcome to Part 3! The Knight of Cups!
The Knight of Cups is one of my favorite cards. While this card most often means romance is on the way, it can also mean opportunity or adventure is on the horizon. It differs from the opportunities present in the Knight of Wands or Swords in that the chance coming means something truly resonant with the desires of the heart. In the classic version, the Knight of Cups is hopeful and spirited. They are not in a rush in the way the previous two Knight can be. They’re not at a stand-still, either. The horse is definitely in a trot and wants to bring the golden chalice of wonderful to the querrent, but there is a confidence implied in not needing to rush. Yet, there is a river ahead of the horse. The opportunity is not without challenge. It’s not going to be handed to the querrent. The Knight needs to forge that river. Will the querrent be on hand to help make it possible? It’s a reminder that this Universe owes us nothing. It may grace us with a gift once in awhile, but we need to be prepared to help make it happen.
I also have to say that my favorite Knight of Cups of all time comes from the deck I produced, Tarot of the Boroughs.
Potential meanings for the Knight of Cups
In love: This is a definite love card. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve found your life mate(s), but it means a true, deep opportunity for love has presented itself. Keep open and see what transpires. It has the potential to go someplace great.
In work: You’re about to be offered something that will make your heart sing. Does it have money attached? Pull some other cards to find out. Money or not, you’re going to love what’s coming your way.
In health: This is a card of increased health, particularly emotional health. It may not provide the same quick rebound as the Knights of Swords and Wands, but it also has the potential to last a bit longer. One of the secrets of the Knights–the faster they ride in, the faster they ride away. Knight of Cups may indicate as slightly slower return to health, but the health promises to stick around for awhile.
As a card of the day: Move forward with your heart. Whatever choice you make today, make sure it is rooted in love.
Finally, as promised, my pics from Florida!!!
I had such a great time visiting Celestial Circle and Mystikal Scents! Such wonderful people and great merchandise. And what is it in Florida with the absolutely gorgeous decorations??? It must be in the water, but these two stores were some of the most beautiful metaphysical stores I’ve ever seen (and I’ve been to far more than my fair share).
Here are a few shots from Celestial Circle, where I taught “Tarot for One: The Art of Reading For Yourself”:
Thank you again, Gina and the crew at Celestial Circle, for having me and giving me the chance to learn!
A few shots from Mystikal Scents, where I held a meet n’ greet for “Brigid.”
It was a beautiful night. Much love and thanks to Pearl, the team at Mystikal Scents, and everyone who came out to eat cookies and chat about Brigid with me!
One final thing….
Check out this incredibly sweet review I found, today. Thank you, Arie Farnam!