First off, today is the last day to pre-register at $25 (otherwise it’s $30 at the door) for tomorrow’s Tarot class on the Major Arcana if you are in NYC! Please go to this link to register for this class, or any of the others coming up in February! I’ve also got a new blog up at my second location to serve you:
Each week, I pull single cards for a few random questions at a random point during the day. You have to answer fast when you see me post if you want to get your question answered! Follow me on Twitter or Friend me on FaceBook to play! If you didn’t get your question answered, don’t forget to check out my readings! P.s., have you read about my Magickal Ireland Tour?
Question 1.) What should I do next year?
Answer 1.) Four of Pentacles
The Four of Pentacles is about thinking deeply, looking at resources, and making plans. By even asking that question, you’re already in line with your inner Four of Pentacles. Pentacles (also called Coins) mean business. Are you thinking about making a change in your career or moving forward into new avenues of business? This card is encouraging you to spend your 2014 thinking about jobs and jobbiness–take a good look at what is practical and feasible and start making plans as of how to make it happen. If you do, 2014 will be a powerful year of achievement. Good luck! It’s a great card!
Question 2: Will I lose my dad too with this 3 going on in my family? Meaning: there’s 3’s going on; my cousins nana passed last night, my grama is in hospital and my dad is really not doing well with his terminal illness so I’m scared that he will pass soon too.
Answer 2: Queen of Swords Reversed
The Queen of Swords is often about severing ties–relationships, jobs, even life. The good news is that in this context, she is reversed. While we all will inevitably pass on, this Queen is saying, “Not yet.” Take heart and know your father is likely not going to pass in this specific round of “3s”. But the Queen of Swords Reversed is also a warning to not put your influence where it doesn’t below. If you are trying to lend energy to change the natural course of life, this card is asking you to stop. This is not a situation where you can be of influence. You can only support and love. You can’t change things. I’m so sorry you’re going through this, but it’s not a bad card to receive for such a situation.
Question 3: What’s going to happen with my career?
Answer 3: Ace of Swords
This is a pretty short answer: Big changes, and fast ones, too. Are you thinking of making a radical change? Now is the time. If you aren’t thinking of doing that, brace yourself for swift changes. They can be jarring, but the gift of the Ace of Swords is that it cuts away the crap that doesn’t serve you. Whatever change comes, it will definitely be for the better.