Need a good Tarot spread for Winter Solstice? As always, look no further!

What should you bring into the time of light? What can you leave in the shadow time? For me, this season has just as much (if not more!) Witchy goodness as Samhain and Halloween time. It’s a powerful season of divination and this week’s Tarot tutorial has a Winter Solstice spread for everyone!

Before we get to that, I’ve got a few announcements!

No Tarot Tutorial Next Week
I’m taking the week of Christmas off. Tarot Tutorials will return on Jan 2!

Zoom Tarot Readings Available Saturday, Dec 28I have a few 45 minute Tarot Readings by Zoom available for Sat, December 28…and then that’s it for 2024! If you want to wrap your year up and see what’s coming your way in the coming months, book your reading ASAP!

Virtual Tarot Classes start in January

Think you can’t read Tarot? Then you haven’t studied with me!

Back by popular demand…I’m bringing back my virtual Tarot 101 course on January 18!

In this four-part, virtual class, you’ll:

  • Receive an in-depth look at the basic symbolism of the cards
  • Develop your own system of association
  • Learn the tools and techniques to read easily—and accurately—without having to consult a Tarot manual.

All recorded, and all registrants will have access to the recordings for 30 days after final class.

Countless students who have come through my Tarot course have said that they learn more in one hour with me than they have in years of reading books on Tarot. If that’s the case for you, think of how much you’ll learn in four weeks!

Here’s the thing—I’m limiting the class to only 20 participants.

Registration opens January 4 BUT if you are paid subscriber to this Substack OR a paid tier member of my Cauldron Calling platform, you’ll get access starting December 27. If you’re not yet enrolled in either and don’t want to miss out on this class, join the Cauldron Calling at any paid tier.

Can’t wait to take this oracular journey with you!

A Winter Solstice Tarot Spread:

This is a new and wonderful spread (created by yours truly just for you!) for tying up the year and thinking about where to direct your energies as the days grow longer:

1.) A focus for personal healing
2.) A focus for how/when/why to connect with others
3.) Something to keep private
4.) Something to show off
5.) Something to focus on creating or sharing with the world
6.) Something to “sunset” aka, set aside for a time or let go completely

The Reading In Action:

This is what the reading looks like for a hypothetical querrent.

1.) A focus for personal healing: 2 of Cups, Reversed. When this card is upright, it suggests a breakdown or breakup of a relationship, whether platonic or romantic. A good focus for this person would be healing from the emotional injury they sustained in the break-up.

2.) A focus for how/when/why to connect with others: The Fool.
The Fool is about a new chapter. Frankly, this querrent needs to get out there and meet some new people!

3.) Something to keep private: 7 of Wands.
Something is definitely overwhelming the querrent, but they may be letting too much of that stress show on their sleeves. They may want to keep a little more private about their personal stresses!

4.) Something to show off: 10 of Pentacles.
It seems as though 2024 has been very kind to the querrent in the money department! They could probably do a little upgrading of their wardrobe, car, or home furnishings…maybe give the world a little glimpse of their newly acquired wealth.

5.) Something to focus on creating or sharing with the world: Page of Pentacles.
Perhaps in line with their new showing off, the Page of Pentacles in this context could mean they donate to a cause they care about, or help out a friend who’s rent or light bill is in question.

6.) Something to “sunset” aka, set aside for a time or let go completely: Queen of Pentacles.
The Queen of Pentacles is a bit of a mothering card. The querrent may either need to step out from behind their mother’s skirt, or perhaps stop mothering others for whom they don’t need to be mothering!

Thank you all for reading and supporting me in the past year. May your holidays be gentle and bright. <3