Looking to understand the Court Cards in a Tarot reading? Want to create your own court card cheat sheet?

How To Read Tarot: A Virtual 101 Course begins this Saturday, Jan 18th! I’m sharing a free preview of what you’ll learn in this class. There is SO MUCH MORE and this is your LAST CHANCE to register at this link.

Court Cards Are Tricky

Do they mean other people? Do they mean ourselves? Most importantly, what do they represent in an action scenario?

If you struggle to understand the Court Cards of the Tarot, try this exercise below to better acquaint you with what they are and what they can be:

One way to understand the Court Cards is to identify when you yourself have embodied each and every one.

Look over the descriptions and make a note of when you have stood in these roles. Don’t think too hard about it. Just make a few quick notes about roles you’ve had.

My Example:

Here are the Court Card roles that I have embodied:

King: Leadership, authority, patriarchy, masculinity. Aka “The Man! In a few of my jobs, I have worked in human resources, helping people get set up with taxes and understanding the rules of the work place. King me!

Queen: Also leadership and authority, but more matriarchy and femininity. I was the High Priestess of a Coven for nearly nine years. It was quite a matriarchal role indeed!

Knight: Seeker, traveler, and executer of plans. More than once I’ve been on the job market, seeking opportunity and going for it when I found it. Very much like a Knight!

Page: The student, learner, and plan-maker I had more than one internship in college. It was a great way for me to learn the tools of the trade, just like a Page!

The Roles In The Reading

After you make your notes, remove the court cards from your deck and shuffle them up. Try the following reading with a question in mind, using only the court cards.

My question: How can I do better with budgeting?

My reading:

My Past: Queen of Cups In my household, I have historically done a lot of the budget management. Because I self-identify as female, this is me taking quite a matriarchal role in my household. Because it’s a Queen, it speaks to a kind of authority. I’ve done a good job so far in our budgeting. However, because the Cups are connected with water and emotion, it’s possible that I gave into emotional choices with our money rather than practical ones.

My Present: Page of Swords Pages are about learning, and swords are for cutting! I’ve been taking every opportunity to learn more about budgeting and making every dollar count, as though I were very new to all of this! The swords also indicate the swift choices I’ve made to streamline our expenses. Also, because it’s a Page, I must have a lot to learn, but I have confidence that I will!

My Future: King of Wands Again, a card of authority, so I am confident I will continue to improve on the budgeting front. The Wands indicate creativity and passion, and the masculine energy of the King suggests that I may be leaning more into “The Man” in my financial life (investing, adjusting taxes, etc.).

When we find our past experiences in the court cards, we are better able to decipher their messages for our present questions.

Was this helpful to you? Let’s work together!

LAST CHANCE to register for How To Read Tarot: A 101 Course. Class starts this Saturday, Jan 18th and runs for four weeks. ALL CLASSES RECORDED. ALL REGISTRANTS GET THE RECORDINGS! If you can’t make it live, you’ll still get all the goods if you register! Register here.

Back by popular demand…I’m bringing back my virtual Tarot 101 course!

Countless students who have come through my Tarot course have said that they learn more in one hour with me than they have in years of reading books on Tarot.If that’s true for an hour…think of what you’ll learn in four weeks!

In this four-part, virtual class, you’ll: Receive an in-depth look at the basic symbolism of the Tarot, develop your own system of association, and learn the tools and techniques to read easily—and accurately—without having to consult a Tarot manual.

  • Week 1: Deep dive into the history of the Tarot and journey of The Major Arcana
  • Week 2: Explore the stories of the Minor Arcana to unveil the Tarot’s guidance about specific situations.
  • Week 3: Unmask the Court Cards to see the roles of these cards play in every person’s life.
  • Week 4: Hear the Voice of the Tarot: Learn how to place all cards in context for the most accurate readings.

Register here