Now that the first draft of the novel is complete and I’m waiting on the imminent arrival of Tarot for One, I guess it’s time to get back to blogging!
If I waited for inspiration to strike every single time I need to write about anything (blog or not), I’d maybe write three times a year. The other times, I need to dig up things to write, even if I don’t feel like writing them.
I’m having an opposite-of-inspiring day, for no real particular reason. Maybe I’m tired. Actually, I am tired. And that has an effect on trying to feel and be inspiring. When I feel this way, I just start placing random stuff on this blog.
Something Beautiful
A friend sent me this article yesterday about the Water Whisperers of Belarus.
Photographer Siarhiej Leskiec has spent four years documenting ancient eastern European healing practices, speaking to the women who believe they have God-given powers to heal the sick and exorcise evil…
Something Exciting
I’m speaking at Philadelphia Pagan Pride on Saturday (September 3rd)! I’ll be discussing Brigid at 1:15, and reading Tarot all day. Come find me for a reading! I’ll also have copies of Brigid as well as Tarot of the Boroughs available. I’m sharing a vending tent with Formidable Witch who will be vending her exclusive-elusive-evocative handmade jewelry!
And, a friend sent me this meme:
Since I grew up in Oregon, where we don’t use umbrellas, this explains everything.
How is your day going?