Quick reminder! Magick is the path of the Witch…but Magick is for naught if the Witch is not spiritually well. On Sunday, April 14 I’m hosting a virtual discussion on exploring what it means to be a Spiritually Well Witch, exploring Spiritual Wellness without Spiritual “By-Passing.” It ***will*** be recorded and sent to all ticket holders. More information and tickets at this link. AND Cauldron Calling members at paid tiers attend for free!
The signs are all there.
Synchronicity. Dreams. Hair raising at the sound of a Deity’s name. A Deity is knocking at your door. You know that opening that door may bring blessings, adventure, and more…
…but what if the Deity wrecks your life???
Many people want to bring a Deity into their life, but are scared of the Deity potentially shaking up their lives. Will the Deity chase off their partner? Will they shatter their career? Will they sweep them up and make them move across the world?
The Witchcraft world is full of wild stories of how Gods have come in and shaken up their life. I have one of my own. When I dedicated myself to Brigid, my then-relationship vanished literally (Not figuratively…) overnight. We literally broke up the day after my dedication.
And, at first, I was devastated.
BUT. It was ultimately for the good because it was the WRONG relationship for me.
Applications to Meeting At The Ford: A Morrigan Immersion are now available at this link.
Imagine this scenario:
You want to improve your nutrition, and invite a nutritionist to help you eat better quality food. But if prior to meeting with this nutritionist, you’ve been living solely on coffee, cigarettes, and candy corn, the nutritionist is likely to recommend a major overhaul.
But say you’re someone who definitely prefers french fries to broccoli, but does try to get some fruit or a vegetable on their plate regularly. That nutritionist may nudge a few things (E.g., “Let’s try adding some spinach to those scrambled eggs!”), but you may not be in for a total culinary shake-up.
The same will be true for bringing a Deity into your life.
If your path is heading in the wrong direction (like mine was), you may see some big changes. I have witnessed people go through major relationship shake-ups when bringing a Deity into their life…only to learn later that their former partner was abusive. I’ve also seen people experience career shake-ups that ultimately lead to better paths. I’ve also seen people suddenly move far away after bringing a Deity into their life. These changes were all difficult, but ended up bringing powerful changes for the better.
And I’ve also seen people bring a Deity into their life and things generally stayed the same! This might be your experience as your life may not need a shake-up. You may find subtle changes happening slowly when you bring the Deity in. Or…they may be saving the big changes for you for down the line.
What the Deity is NOT coming in to do:
- Judge you for judgement’s sake
- Define your “worthiness.”
- Punish you for being “bad.”
If you feel the call of a Deity, you do not HAVE to answer. You won’t get punished by the Deity for not accepting them. Witches don’t have to have relationships with Deities at all!
But whether or not you decide to open your path to a Deity, don’t allow fear to be the deciding factor. Don’t say “yes” to a Deity because you’re afraid to say no. Don’t say “no” to a Deity because you fear changes they might bring to your life.
Take a breath.
Acknowledge the fear.
And take the next steps based on what you want for your life, and not because you fear what that desire may bring.