Being prepared…and present…

This Mercury in Retrograde is waltzing through Leo, which means a ripe time for miscommunication and bruised egos…the perfect ingredients for conflict gone awry!

Conflict is a good thing. (Yes, I said *good.* And I meant it!)

Conflict shows us what’s not working and invites us to explore solutions. But conflict is not good thing when we allow it to demonize those we’re in conflict with, or let things evolve into a grudge.

Many Witches trip themselves, and their Magick, with grudges. Instead of focusing on our goals and clarifying our intentions, we can focus too much on what opposing factions are doing, proving ourselves “right” in a situation, or “exposing” others for what we believe them to be. Using our Magick in that way can distract us from becoming closer to our true desires, and harm our collective experience.

Important note: This is not “just ignore the bullies” or protecting abusers by not naming them. It’s also not shaming anyone for choosing to separate themselves another person or community because differences can’t be reconciled. Sometimes, that happens and that’s a bigger conversation, for a bigger post. This is about letting personal slights or misunderstandings grow into bigger things. Basically, the small stuff!

Historically, in the Northern Hemisphere, this was a time when many communities start preparing and looking toward the BIG harvest coming up a few weeks. It’s a collective time, an organizing time. A lot of folx reading this don’t currently live in such an environment (although many might). Still, there are collective things happening: School beginning. Holiday plans ramping up. Oh yeah. Here in the US, there’s that little election thing happening in November.

Frankly, we need each other!

For more like this:
Tarot Tutorial: Preparing The Spirit
Tarot Tutorial: “Why are people acting this way???”
Healing The World As An Overwhelmed Witch

The stars in the sky and the stress on the earth can, and probably will, lead to a lot of unproductive conflict in the coming weeks.

But we Magickally-Minded people can be aware of this and therefore, prepared.

Here is what I do, as a Witch:

I remember my species. I’m homo sapiens, which are pack animals. I can’t do “it” alone.

I recognize humanity. Everyone I see is going through this meat-suit experience. I don’t have to like everyone to remember that they are human.

I honor my Ancestors by “picking up” where they left off. Some of us have wonderful, honorable Ancestors. Some of us have Ancestors who were deeply problematic, cruel, or otherwise. ALL of us have some of both. I recognize that I have to do some Clean-Up On Aisle NOW.

I am mindful of my descendants. Whether or not we make or adopt tiny humans, we’re leaving this world to our collective descendants. Someone will have to come along after me/us and do Clean-Up On Aisle Future. It would be nice if I/we didn’t leave too big a mess.

This all starts by approaching conflict with a mind toward productive, even if not immediate, resolution.

If you love what you’re learning here, you’ve got to check out The Cauldron Calling: A Virtual Platform for the Magickally-Minded. Virtual gatherings, exclusive exercises that will blow your mind, and regular, personal Tarot guidance. It’s the place to deepen, reconnect with, or build a practice for living a Magickally-led life. Would love to see you there!