Oh, hey! Did you miss the Full Moon over the weekend…again?
Don’t worry. I’ve got you covered!
First of all, you’ve got several days after the Full Moon to work with its energies. Yes, in a perfect world, we’d all do our workings ON the actual Full Moons…but the world isn’t perfect and neither are we!
Now that you’ve stopped being so hard on yourself, let’s talk Magick!
The February Full Moon is sometimes called the Snow Moon, for the abundant snows that can happen in February. In some Indigenous American nations, it was known as the Hunger Moon, as in some areas game was scarce and crop stores had dwindled to little.
An astronomical fact: this year, the moon appeared much smaller than it typically does in the night sky. The perceived size of the Moon from Earth is more related to the “Moon Illusion” and how close the Moon appears to the horizon; in this case, it’s high above the horizon, so it may not appear to loom over us the way it appears when it’s near the horizon.
The Moon is also in Virgo, a sign known for its intellect and practicality. When the Moon is in Virgo, we’re likely to feel the pull to put things in order, organize our lives, and pay attention to what’s important.
Whether you most identify with the concept of Snow Moon, reflecting regional weather or even seasonal depression; Hunger Moon, longing for the tides of spring; the practical, intentional energies of Virgo, all of the above or something else all together, this moon asks us: What do we long for?
The February Full moon asks us: What do we long for?
Here in the Northern Hemisphere, the Spring Equinox is just a few weeks away, and many Witches will be literally and metaphorically planting seeds, intention, and Magick for the changes they want to see in their lives. But in order to create the most accurate Magick and bring in the changes we want to see, we first need to recognize what it is we are missing.
“Um…I don’t know!” you might say. “Money? Sleep? Time?”
Of course, we could ALL use more money, sleep, and time! But what is underneath those desires? Would more cash really solve the problem, or could the issue be solved by a reduction in bills and spending…or something more extreme such ousting a freeloading housemate who doesn’t pay their share? Is it really more sleep that’s required, or addressing a mental health issue that keeps you awake at night? Do you really wish for more hours in a day…or more help around the house?
After you first recognize what you long for, then ask yourself why.
Clarifying the why is a crucial first step in defining the intention.
Once the intention is defined, the Magick flows stronger.
Want help exploring your “why,” your intention, and using this Full Moon to prepare yourself for even more powerful changes in the Spring? Join my virtual platform: The Cauldron Calling—a space for the Magickally minded. Paid members will receive specific exercises to help them deepen their connection to Magick during this powerful February Full Moon.
At The Cauldron Calling, you can deepen or reconnect with your Witchcraft practice, receive regular Tarot readings via my subscription service, and join live, virtual events to support your Magickal journey.