Modern Witch!

Modern Witch!

This week was rough. There were beautiful moments, such as teaching at the MoMA Teens program, but it was a week of true loss that would be best described in a different post. (Probably tomorrow. 🙂 ) But another beautiful thing was being interviewed by Devin Hunter...
Sacred Pool Noodles

Sacred Pool Noodles

I can’t attend my Coven’s Lughnasadh celebration this year. Here is what I said on the RSVP: I’m not attending this, as I’ll be at a faith-leaders’ conference in Albany! Representing, kittenz! I am, however, donating pool noodles for...
Exciting news and a few of my favorite Witchy things

Exciting news and a few of my favorite Witchy things

I have exciting news! But you have to look at all of these things before I share it. They’re all equally as exciting, so it’s worth your wait. “Could you ever imagine the moon being angry? ” Last night I posed the question, “Is the...
She who gives and takes away…is the Goddess Pro-Choice?

She who gives and takes away…is the Goddess Pro-Choice?

Today, I received an email from a young woman just beginning to explore Witchcraft. She lives in a conservative area, surrounded by religious people who believe abortion is wrong. She herself has had an abortion. She asked me if Witchcraft would accept her for having...