Just like the Tower, sometimes we just have to let the thoughts crumble. Some mornings, I get up to write and I can’t think of a damn thing to say. This is highly inconvenient considering I don’t have all day to write and there’s a looming deadline...
My trip to Georgia came and went all too fast! First of all, I was lucky enough to go to Atlanta to take part in the MountainTop conference, which I coordinated logistics for through my work at Auburn Seminary. Heather Greene at The Wild Hunt wrote write ups here and...
This might be my favorite: Someone (at a public school in North Carolina) typed in the acronym for “What The F*ck” and they found me. Perfect.
I guess this is turning into a series. Awhile back I published a post with the stats of how people find me via search engines. Nearly all are reasonable (looking for a Tarot reader, interpretation of a card, a good spell recipe, etc.) and some make go,...